The Astrology of Royal Weddings: Saturn in Libra

Prince William and Kate MiddletonThe world was captured by fascination with the royal wedding of Prince Charles and the commoner daughter of a peer by the name of Diana Spencer. Now thirty years later, their eldest son William is marrying commoner, Kate Middletown. Both couples’ weddings are under the aegis of Saturn in Libra.

The Significance of Saturn in Libra

Saturn is the planet of duties of responsibilities and Libra is the zodiac sign of romance. Saturn, in astrological parlance, is said to be exalted in the zodiac sign of Libra, meaning that many of this planet’s qualities are polished like a jewel under the loving care of the sign of the scales. Libra itself represents perfect union and balance, two qualities we would like to see in the most sacred of relationships.

Because Saturn’s circuit around the Sun takes 28 to 30 years, and many first marriages happen at about 28 to 30 years of age, it is not unusual for the first child or even the second child’s marriage to share the Saturn sign under which their parents married.

During the last go round of Saturn in Libra, Americans and Brits alike were facing the consequences of the sexual revolution and a redefinition of women’s role in society.

As I wrote in a post titled Saturn in Libra: Chasing Bells and Lace:

[blockquote]“From late 1980 to late 1983 (albeit with a brief sojourn into the next sign) many of my generation married under the aegis of Saturn in Libra. Pluto was there too, signaling a cultural change in how we viewed marriage. We were promised we could “have it all” – career and family – but that usually meant we could work two jobs, the one in and outside the home. After bearing the babies and rushing back into the workplace, we got the golden opportunity to rush home, make the dinner, do the laundry, feed the husband and then somewhere between midnight and dawn collapse in our beds to get up few hours to do it all again.

We were exhausted. The men wondered what happened to their sexy girlfriends. We wondered why they didn’t understand that the socks and underwear go into the hamper. Couldn’t they do that, at least? Our dreams of white lace and “happily ever after” eroded under the weight of our responsibilities. For our mothers, socks and underwear on the floor was a small price to pay for having the husband in the bed. For us, it was another battle cry in the inequality of the sexes. The divorce rate climbed seventeen percent from 1975 to 1992.[/blockquote]

During this transit many of us learned that equality meant sharing the joys as well as the burdens as equal partners, but others of us were not so lucky.

Diana Spencer married her Prince in a fairy tale wedding that we were all sure of would end in “happily ever after”. What ultimately happened was anything but. Despite Diana being the UK’s best loved royal, under the glare of constant publicity, Diana’s fight with bulimia, her difficulties with other royals and her husband’s hidden infidelity, the fairy tale dissolved into a hopeless and ugly mess.

The royal life is not an easy one, constrained as it is by duty and obligations. Personal choices are often subordinate to public exigencies. Those royals who married according to the wishes of their hearts often faced controversy at the very least and in the most extreme case lost his throne. The question the world is interested now is has the House of Windsor finally found the couple whose love story will transcend the difficulties of prior generations?

Let’s take a look through the lens of astrology to answer this question.

Part 1: Saturn in LIbra

Part 2: The Yod–Destiny Plays a Hand

Part 3: Charles and Diana—A Suitable Girl

Part 4: Ladies of the Rings

Part 5: Will and Kate—Happily Ever After?

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