Weekly Forecast: What Do We Do? What Do We Do?

Sun SignsWitty Mars in Gemini challenges stuck in the mud Saturn in Virgo to do something, ANYTHING, as long as it’s fast, and smart. Saturn in stress aspect (inconjunct) to Jupiter in Aquarius feels the pressure, but feels that

things are out of hand

as it is anyway. The result is a fair amount of wailing and the gnashing of teeth as frustrated people cry, “What do we do? What do we do?”

Aries—Joni Mitchell sang about you. “You are rambler, and a gambler and a sweet talking ladies’ man.” Well, this goes for the women too. And yep, with Gemini in Mars, you are dangling a couple on your line. Someone should slap a warning label on your forehead “Warning—Date at your own risk!”

Taurus—New and unusual opportunities pop up that have the potential to be very lucrative. Don’t stare a gift horse in the mouth. Climb up and ride that sucker. Don’t think too long, or the wagon train will leave without you.

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Weekly Forecast: Day by Day, Blow by Blow

Astrology for the Week of June 27 through July 3

Friday–Pluto, the Moon and Mars slip into the easy energetic connection called the Grand Trine. This is the weekend to get away, enjoy some fun in the sun, and enjoy some intense experiences. Many of us will feel adventuresome and eager for a change of pace. Leos, Aries and Sagittarians will lead the way.


Fathers and children do not get along well today, as dad wants to do one thing and the children another. A good steady Taurus moon calls for patience. Opportunities exist to make small sums of money, but don’t bet the farm at the casinos! This is especially true for Cancer and Capricorn.


A mixed bag of tricks can irk and annoy, but series of sextiles running around the chart hold us together. This is perfect day for that barbecue, or a nice jaunt to a lake or seaside. Again be mindful of your surroundings and the activities of people, including children with you. This is not the day to be distracted by lazy feelings.

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